What are some of the weirdest looking animals that most people aren’t familiar with?

What are some of the weirdest looking animals that most people aren't familiar with? by Conan Nass

Answer by Conan Nass:

Kakapo, also known as Owl parrot.

This is the worlds largest parrot.

They are extremely rare, heavy, nocturnal and cannot fly. It is the only parrot in the world that is flightless. Despite being flightless, they can manage to get around, thanks to their strong legs.

There are, unfortunately, only 125–126 Kakapos left in the wild. These magnificent birds are said to be possibly the oldest living bird, which is pretty cool. Concerning life expectancy, they can reach the ripe old age of 90 years -95 years.

Footnotes & Image Source

Kakapo videos, photos and facts – Strigops habroptila

The Creature Feature: 10 Fun Facts About the Kakapo

The Story of the Kākāpō + Giveaway – Young Adventuress

What are some of the weirdest looking animals that most people aren't familiar with?

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