After the end of Kali Yuga, will Ramayana and Mahabharata happen again in Tretha Yuga and Dwapara Yuga respectively?

After the end of Kali Yuga, will Ramayana and Mahabharata happen again in Tretha Yuga and Dwapa… by Chinmay Vaishnav

Answer by Chinmay Vaishnav:

Yes, they will happen again in next set of four yugas as well.

And one next to it, and forever.

All the four yugas i.e

  • Sat-yug
  • Treta-yug
  • Dwapar-yug
  • Kali-yug

together are called one Mahayug or Chaturyug.

Span of each yug has also been mentioned in the scriptures.

Kaliyug is the shortest, with 4,32,000 human years.

Dwapar yug is twice as long as Kaliyug, 4,32,000 X 2 = 8,64,000 years

Tretayug is thrice as long as Kaliyug 4,32,000 X 3 = 12,96,000 years

Satyug is four times as long as Kaliyug 4,32,000 X 4 = 17,28,000 years

Together the four yug make 43,20,000 years in one Mahayug(Chaturyug).

This Mahayug is then repeated for 71 times.

Yeah, right. 71 times.

To give One Manvantar.

That gives you 43,20,000 X 71 = 30,67,20,000 years.

So, One manvantar is 30,67,20,000 years long.

Now comes the best part…

When 14 Manvatars pass by, It’s called a “Sarg” or “Kalp

So, One Kalp = 30,67,20,000 X 14 = 4,29,40,80,000 years.

THIS one KALP is equal to 12 HOURS of BRAHMA. 12 hours of his day.

The next 12 hours is his night, which is, time for Pralay.

Currently, We are in the Kaliyug of 28th Chaturyug of 7th Manvantar.

It has been just over 5000years since Kaliyug started (Right when Lord Krishna left the earth for his divine abode)

So much more is this kaliyug going to last?

Nearly, 4,27,000 Years more.

Thank you for reading.

For futher info you can look it up on Hindu cosmology – Wikipedia

EDIT 1: They’re sure to happen, but with slightly different events, Different roles of different characters. Reference: Ramcharitmanas – Goswami Tulsidas

After the end of Kali Yuga, will Ramayana and Mahabharata happen again in Tretha Yuga and Dwapara Yuga respectively?

1 thought on “After the end of Kali Yuga, will Ramayana and Mahabharata happen again in Tretha Yuga and Dwapara Yuga respectively?

  1. what is the base of 432000 years of kaliyug. is there any calculation in vedas or there is some science just like revolution of earth around the sun in 365 days.


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